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Data Storage Technology Options for Business Need Essay

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Data Storage Technology Options for Business Need - Essay Example 
For computer systems technology to cope with these intensifying storage and processing needs, the demand for performance and storage capacity has risen acutely. This has contributed to the manufacture, invention, and uses of a variety of physical storage devices for computer systems. These physical storage mediums in the contemporary computing world range from the familiar usual floppy disk, hard disk, flash drive, DVDs and CD-ROMs, and tapes that are commonly used in Information Communications Technology business and organization sectors. It’s also important to note that these storage devices have different file allocation methods and size allocation. This is therefore what is going to form the discussion basis of this paper. Additionally, this paper will also evaluate the concept of fragmentation of file systems on the storage devices and how best they could be managed (Parsons & Oja, 2009). The computer storage devices are divided into three major classes including Magnetic, Optical, and Semiconductor.